Perri Chiefdom Prepares for Paramount Chieftaincy Election Following the Passing of Chief Ibrahim Baimba Kamara Koroma
Following the death of Paramount Chief Ibrahim Baimba Kamara Koroma, Perri Chiefdom in Southern Sierra Leone has initiated the process for its paramount chieftaincy election. The preparations took a major step forward with the solemn declaration of rights ceremony held on September 20, 2024. This significant event was organized by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL), in partnership with the Provincial Secretary South, Abu Bakarr Kamara, and assessor chiefs Foday Gidahun of Bongoh Chiefdom and Paramount Chief Lahai A.K. Sowa of Sowa Chiefdom, Pujehun District.
The ceremony attracted a large gathering of indigenes from Perri Chiefdom, government officials, traditional and religious leaders, civil society members, security personnel, and the media. This pivotal moment aimed to ensure the continuation of the chiefdom’s traditional leadership practices, as nine aspirants stepped forward to contest for the vacant chieftaincy throne.
Provincial Secretary Abu Bakarr Kamara began the event with a moment of silence in honor of the late chief. He reiterated that the process was not about creating new ruling houses but about adhering to the customs of Perri Chiefdom and allowing tribal authorities to select legitimate candidates transparently. Kamara also reassured the crowd that the declaration would proceed without political interference, with the will of the people prevailing.
Among the nine aspirants, notable candidates included Mohamed Massalay Kpakra of the Kpakra ruling house, Madam Kadie Koroma from the Koroma ruling house, Jiah Tewoh Gogra of the Gogra ruling house, and five individuals from the Jakema ruling house: Alhaji Moses Musa Jakema, Bobor Munuru Jakema, Mohamed Jakema, Vincent Moiwo Kamara Koroma, and Mustapha Dabeni.
During the ceremony, concerns arose regarding Vincent Moiwo Kamara Koroma’s claim to the Koroma ruling house. Based on the Local Government Act of 2009, Provincial Secretary Kamara and the assessor chiefs called for an election among the Koroma family to validate his claim. This verification required a two-thirds majority vote.
Assessor Chief Lahai A.K. Sowa urged all candidates to uphold integrity and prioritize the welfare of the chiefdom. He emphasized that the outcome of this process would affect more than ten thousand residents and cautioned against any form of monetary influence in decision-making.
At the end of the five-hour ceremony, six candidates were officially cleared to participate in the upcoming paramount chieftaincy election on October 2, 2024. These candidates are Mohamed Massalay Kpakra, Madam Kadie Koroma, Jiah Tewoh Gogra, Mohamed Jakema, and Alhaji Moses Musa Jakema. Meanwhile, Vincent Moiwo Kamara Koroma, Alfred Kemokai, and Mustapha Dabeni were disqualified due to insufficient evidence of their claims to the ruling houses.
The declaration concluded peacefully, under a strong security presence, ensuring that the process remained orderly and impartial. As Perri Chiefdom looks toward the election, there is a strong sense of hope that the selection process will be transparent, fair, and reflective of the democratic values upheld by the community.
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